
Jason Clarke

The joy of problems.

Do you enjoy Sudoku, or is the cryptic crossword more your kind of thing? Maybe you prefer those devilish nine-letter […]

The medium is not the message.

Ask any manager to list their biggest challenges and ‘communication’ will be somewhere in the top five. Ask them for […]

Do people really hate change?

You’ve heard it said; People Hate Change. But it’s not true. Look at all the things people do. We travel, […]

Making Things Better

Way, way back in the Paleolithic Era, we had just two tools: the rock and the stick. And that’s how […]

One step back, two steps up.

Imagine a typical organisational hierarchy. A boss is harassing the department head who’s bugging the manager who’s checking on the […]

We’ve been expecting you.

Welcome to What To Do Next, a resource site devoted to helping you figure out What To do Next. We’re […]