
Design Thinking

The journey of a million miles…

Sometimes the journey of a million miles really begins with a single step… back to Square One.

Digesting Design

Recently I overheard a conversation about the latest celebrity chef that went something like this: His dishes are SO brilliant… […]

40th time lucky?

Norm Larsen had a problem. He’d been trying to formulate a waterproof barrier for rocket fuel tanks but it was […]

Slice and dice.

Struggling with a Great Big Thing that won’t work? Try this!

More isn’t always better.

You can’t keep applying the same trick forever and expect it to work every time.

So smart.

Are we confusing ‘technologically complex and advanced’ with ‘smart’?

Designing MH370

Do we need planes that are easier to find… or planes that are harder to lose?

Complex? Or just confused?

Complexity is a tricky beast; a devilish puzzle of unforeseeable interactions between innumerable causes and effects. It’s what makes things […]

Not all keys lead to freedom.

You see it everyday (it’s probably under your nose right now) but you’ve possibly never given it a second thought… […]