

The Love Trap.

How can you innovate if everyone loves you just the way you are?

Undivided attention.

When tasks multiply, attention divides.

Fair enough.

Life is neither fair or unfair.

What’s your position?

The opinions that we form should be based on facts - not emotion.

The plan is not the story.

A plan is just a story you tell yourself to get you out the door and into the world.

Democratising our Democracy.

Our current system is more representative driven than citizen driven - and I think we have got the balance wrong.

The Price of Education

Why not give the most to those who give back the most?

Old industry = Old thinking

The news this week that Holden was leaving Australia was shocking, but should it have been expected? When the last […]

Our Hospital System Can’t Cope!

This week it is the fault of the ambulance drivers, last week it was hospital waiting times, the week before […]