Creating Enduring Connections

- Hands up those people with more than 500 connections on linked in?
- Those that went to the latest business networking lunch?
- Those that know everyone a little but (when you think about it) no one well?
- Those that could tell everyone what school you went to, company you work for, professional associations you have but not one thing about the things you are passionate about?
Much of the networking we do now seems to be about collecting a number of people that you may or may not use some time in the future, rather than finding deep networks that you can enjoy today.
Forming connections with people that actually endure requires more than just clicking a connect or accept button and superficial conversations. Enduring connections speak to something deeper, they speak to shared values, deep insights, understanding the things that drive you and that you are passionate about.
So next time you have an opportunity to connect with someone why not take it offline, explore the deeper opportunities from the connection and find the human being behind the resume.