Imagine a world…

Imagine a world…
- Where no one needed help from others
- Where everyone was self-sufficient
where it didn’t matter where you lived or what you did that you would still have access to all the things you need to have a healthy happy life…
If we lived in such a world…
- We wouldn’t need any kind of entitlement from a government that distributes THE COMMUNITY’S MONEY.
Since we don’t live in that world…,
- We need people to go above and beyond to help each other
- We need nurses to nurse and teachers to teach for a salary that doesn’t properly reward them for their contribution
- We need disadvantaged communities to receive help during tough times
The fact is that from time to time people will need help, that is what a community is all about, and when times are good, those very same people help their community.
Rather than a discussion about entitlement, could we please have a discussion about contribution (and could we measure it in more than just financial terms)?