What We Do

Building What Comes Next.

We’re a passionate team of professional thinkers and problem solvers dedicated to a simple but powerful proposition: To Help People Think.

Since 2000 we’ve worked with just about everyone, from government and industry, business and community, great big multinationals and teeny tiny charities. And yet, despite the huge variety and diversity of our clients, they have many important issues in common.


What We Think About.

We’re often asked to consider all sorts of interesting topics and questions about the workplace of the future or the transformation of culture or how to overcome the overwhelm that so many of us see these days – but it almost always comes down to just three, huge, deeply interwoven themes: Change, Innovation and Leadership.

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How we help minds work.

How well your mind works depends heavily on your mood at the time – creativity demands a kind of irreverent playfulness that is completely inappropriate when making important decisions while the intense focus needed to execute a plan sharply contradicts the open experimentation needed to design the plan in the first place.

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How we do what we do.

Our job is to open minds and get them firing again; sometimes that means making people uncomfortable, even irritated. Sometimes that means making them laugh or think about things they don’t immediately see the relevance in.

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What Our Clients Say

We had very positive feedback that it was engaging, thought provoking and funny

Just a quick note I wanted to thank you for the compelling session you delivered for us this week in Singapore. A great start to the second day of our summit. I also enjoyed meeting you personally and I hope to stay in touch. Please feel free to use me as a reference should you ever have the need for that.

Fiona Hathaway, Asia Enterprise Services HR LeaderMicrosoft

Your Leading Change module really was a standout

I’ve been reviewing the DAFL 2019 post-program survey data and designing the program for 2020. Your Leading Change module really was a standout and many people noted that it was the most useful module of the program

Christina Kolar, Organisational Psychologist, Human ResourcesDeakin University

Thanks for joining us yesterday and challenging the team to think differently

Thanks for joining us yesterday and challenging the team to think differently. I have even heard some of your concepts being talked about today in the office – so I hope we have twigged something that will last.

Deb Chapman, ANZ Strategy & Ops ManagerUnilever Australia

Think outside the square? This team takes you to where you never thought possible!

Minds At Work challenges the whole team to think differently. These guys are sinfully delicious to work with.

Judy Robinson, Communications Manager

I have even had feedback from senior engineers in the crowd who felt reinvigorated after your presentation!

Definitely exceeded all expectations and was a perfect fit for both Engineers Without Borders and Engineers Australia in terms of the desired message, urgency, ability etc. Thank you. I have even had feedback from senior engineers in the crowd who felt reinvigorated after your presentation!

Nick Byrne, Knowledge ManagerEngineers Without Borders Australia
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