Read any of my posts and you’ll see I’m no grammar Nazi; I’ve misused the word parameter more than once, I’m still confused about correct forms of data and phenomena and my punctuation makes up its rules as it goes along.
But I do bristle when words are used indiscriminately, because it allows true meanings to get lost or false ones, implied. Whenever someone uses paradox to mean contradiction or pressure to mean stress I react as if they had used literally to mean figuratively; anyone who ‘literally exploded’ literally didn’t.
Granted, these are minor irritations… but some words really matter.
Consider change, a word that seems to promise just about everything because it’s come to mean just about anything.
Say you vote for me because I promised you change and as soon as I take office I create pure havoc… surely I’ve kept my promise. You wanted change… and I delivered. Or did you mean something else?
Do you really want (or for that matter, fear)
Change (verb) the alteration of something?
Or did you mean
Innovation (noun) – change that makes something better?
Or do you want
Progress (noun) – change advancing towards a specific destination?
Or were you genuinely interested in
Chaos (noun) random change without innovation or progress?
And while we’re at it, let’s be clear about leader, a title given to whoever’s top of the org chart. Is every boss a leader? Should every manager above a certain level be rebadged as ‘leader’?
If not, we should choose our labels with a little more care… or god knows who might end up in charge.
dave isles
We need to help people see beyond the words of their potential leaders.. and pay more attention to track record and ‘character’.. hard to do when the media makes so much money from the sensational words.
thanks for prod, Jason.. Dave I