Minds on Tap

Like everyone these days, we’re exploring new ways to connect with colleagues and clients as more and more organisations and communities close down their buildings and fire up their computers.

It’s been a steep learning curve but they’re the kind we like.

We’re discovering both the limitations and the possibilities of remote facilitation and training (usually on the fly!) and what we’ve seen so far has convinced us that what currently feels like Business as Unusual will inevitably become part of the New Normal.

In the last few weeks we’ve:

  • run a problem solving webinar for a Global Population Health network
  • demonstrated key decision making tools for a community support initiative
  • presented business transformation masterclass for a global finance company
  • facilitated strategic planning for Australia’s leading conservation authority
  • brainstormed with an international talent agency…

…all without anyone having to leave their spare room.

Of course, long-distance collaboration was here long before the coronavirus but now that people are beginning to realise its potential for building communities for creative and strategic thinking, we’re getting a sneak preview of how we might all be more productive, engaged and sustainable once this Pandemic is over.

So if you’re still not sure how to bring your people together while keeping them as far apart as possible, talk to us about Minds on Tap, our new long-distance training and facilitation service.

A pandemic can shut doors. But it can also open minds.

Learn more about Minds on Tap
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...we’ve gone down in MSPGH history as having the most exciting first online Webinar of a subject!

Students absolutely loved your lecture (as always) and we’ve gone down in MSPGH history as having the most exciting first online Webinar of a subject! I’m personally looking forward to finally having enough time to watch the recording!

Joanna Williams, Senior Teaching AssociateMelbourne School of Population and Global Health

Thanks again for a brilliant presentation!

You did a fabulous job with many delegates still raving about your presentation. I must admit, I was highly nervous having a presentation via webcam but it worked perfectly. Thanks again for a brilliant presentation!

Jacquelyn Van Niekerk, Event SpecialistGovernance Institute of Australia

We can observe visible shift in (majority) of our teammates...

Would like to thank you very much (personally) and pass all warm words from the team! Great job! We can observe visible shift in (majority) of our teammates… applying ‘Dog 6 thinking’, challenging themselves if their ideas were enough. Also interesting to see that (as one of the takeaways from the session with you) while giving ourselves just couple of minutes for brainstorming coming up with more/better ideas than if we were thinking too long. Thank you!

Konstantin Koukoushkin, GORBE OperationsCargill Europe