

The enemy within.

The best time to eject a 'Dr. Smith' is before they sabotage the entire mission.

Not my idea.

The real value of an idea should judged by more than who gets to look good… and/or who doesn’t.

Shadow values.

Every so often an organisation sets off in search of its values; a handful of simple but powerful words that […]

Crazy precautions.

Following the tragic Germanwings plane disaster, Qantas recently introduced new measures to prevent pilots deliberately crashing their planes. Now we […]

Innovating culture.

Organisations wanting innovation soon realise it requires major shifts in attitude and behaviour; new thinking needs a new culture. That’s true […]

The Womens Forum

Last week I attended a Women’s Professional Development Forum.  It was a great day dedicated to thinking differently about our […]

Sez Who?

You’ve heard it before: “No. You can’t do that. The rules say so”. But you know what? Sometimes the rules […]

I’m sorry… where was I?

According to a 2004 study, average office workers have their attention diverted every three minutes and hijacked every 11 minutes… […]

To sledge or not to sledge.

The word of the week is sledging – it has been described as everything from banter to bullying to workplace […]