
Lisa Smith

Innovate or we’re toast in 10 years!

With innovation we often look for a magic formula - and in the end we eliminate the magic altogether.

Game Changer

Every now and then an opportunity presents itself - so how can you tackle it?

Idea Killers.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to kill an idea?

A farmer’s approach to innovation.

My father was a a great farmer and through his life trained also to be an amateur in many fields. […]

What a great idea!

Ever had an amazing idea that try as you might, you just couldn’t get others as excited about it as you were?

What’s your position?

The opinions that we form should be based on facts - not emotion.

Innovation Itinerary

For a first time traveller discovering new places can be very intimidating, you don’t know how long you will need […]

Get It Done.

When it comes to implementation, many organisations flounder because: It takes too long It costs too much There are too […]

On the menu.

All the players need to be at the table when thinking differently.