Idea Killers.
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to kill an idea? Yep, with just a few words you can shut down just about anything. A well placed “that’s not the business we are in” or “that’s outside scope” or even a cheeky “that’s not in the budget” can shut down virtually any potential idea.
So why not kill everything before you start?
Before each idea generation session get it off your chest; capture all your clever tricks about how to kill ideas on a whiteboard or butchers’ paper. Be proud, shout it out “it’s too expensive”, “it’s been done”, “the board won’t go for it” and anything else you can think of.
Once you have got all those objections off your chests, it will be harder to just blurt them out during the brainstorm, allowing you to start the process of collecting ideas without the thoughtless judgment.
Perhaps your ideas will live long enough that thoughtful evaluation can be introduced when its time to test them.