On the menu.

Lisa Smith

Many years ago I heard someone on the radio discussing how to resolve a dispute and he said “well if you are not at the table, you are on the menu”, so they made sure they were always at the table.

We notice this all the time, and it doesn’t just relate to dispute resolution, it relates to thinking differently about anything. If all the players are involved then all the perspectives can be heard.

  • If you are solving a problem…
  • If you are developing a new system…
  • If you are thinking creatively…
  • If you are changing a process…

It is essential to make sure all the players are at the table or else your solution/system/process won’t be comprehensively thought through.

Imagine the school developing a new program that involves the teachers, the students, the parents, the community…with everyone at the table all perspectives are included and the program is more robust.

Imagine the business developing a new product or process and involving not only their business but suppliers and customers as well, to ensure that the product can be made and that the customers actually want it.

When we are all at the table, the solutions would be:

Comprehensive? YES

Robust? YES

Have an increased chance of success? ABSOLUTELY YES!

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