

The Rules.

Every now and then the rules that we play by are challenged.  Various strategies are used but rarely are they […]

Viva la renovation!

Failure can be humiliating, especially when it happens in public. But the real damage happens later… when the blamestorming begins. […]

Beyond the sugar hit…

One of the questions we get asked the most is “how do I get some value out of the training […]


Imagine an invisible force so malevolent that it can crush the hearts and minds of people without ever touching them, […]

Why not blow yourself up and start all over again?

Do you remember when you were at school and the most important question you had to answer was ‘what do […]

The wait is over.

There’s a big change coming, you can feel it – but the people in charge aren’t saying much about what […]

Organisational Inoculation.

Are you working in the kind of organisation that needs to change but no matter how much they try and […]

Reverse Thinking.

You want something different. You think there should be a better way. You see other groups thinking differently and wonder […]

Game Changers.

According to Catholic doctrine, being pope is the ultimate gig (and therefore) the last thing you can ever be, and […]