

Say Again?

It’s the one bit of communications advice we’ve all heard: ‘Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em… then actually tell […]

There is only one thing worse than a broken promise…

And that’s asking someone to make a promise they can’t keep. The polls are in, the people are not happy, […]

Insult or injury?

These days all sorts of people are taking all sorts of offence at all sorts of things; tune into any […]

No place for a woman…..

This week a female piloting a flight in Canada was left a note from a passenger informing her that “the […]

Sez Who?

You’ve heard it before: “No. You can’t do that. The rules say so”. But you know what? Sometimes the rules […]

Negative v Positive

If the recent performance of the Australian Cricket Team is anything to go by, it doesn’t take long to turn […]

To sledge or not to sledge.

The word of the week is sledging – it has been described as everything from banter to bullying to workplace […]

Rocket Science.

Before working with any group a facilitator needs to understand their mood: what have they been through, what issues currently […]

Creating Enduring Connections

Hands up those people with more than 500 connections on linked in? Those that went to the latest business networking […]