Culture Change – the game the whole family can play.

Lisa Smith

Investing in culture change can be a pain.  We have to have those touchy feely conversations, everyone has to change the way they do things and we can be a little cynical about what the business is really trying to achieve.

So, why not make it fun?  Rather than a serious workshop with serious discussions that seem designed to suck the fun out of work, why not make a game of culture change?

Get the team on board for the vision of the organisation and then set them loose to identify the behaviours that support the vision and the ones that don’t.

Have competitions for the most creative way to demonstrate the culture you want (and the ones you don’t)

  • encourage group entries to the competitions  to build team work
  • use social media to promote positive and negative images
  • create a twitter feed to send positive messages
  • what about vox-popping messages of encouragement from team members to team members

Anything which highlights good practice that promotes the culture you are trying to achieve is a good thing.  The more you do it, the more innate it becomes, the more it becomes your culture.

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