Rocket Science.

Before working with any group a facilitator needs to understand their mood: what have they been through, what issues currently occupy their minds and – perhaps more importantly – how do they feel about it all?
Are they tired? Cynical? Paranoid, frustrated… or maybe even angry?
To some, powerful negative emotions are a hazard to be avoided.
To us, they are a propellant to be harnessed.
Let me explain.
I used to build rockets as a kid so I know they’re just a bomb with travel plans; direct all its explosive power into narrow column of thrust and you’ve turned a weapon into a vehicle.
It’s the same with groups: their unresolved emotions and tensions are like rocket fuel… give it a safe place to speak up and you’ve got a combustion chamber. Mix in a problem the group really want to solve and you’ve got some serious thrust.
Set a course for a future everybody wants to see… and stand back.
Easy. It’s just rocket science.