The news…
Check out the news reports and you’ll be informed of the despair that our community currently feels, the absence of hope for the future, the lack of trust for each other, the fractured relationships. Chances are the news will be bad.
Well the bad news is tangible, it’s a crime, it’s a poll, it’s a riot.
The good news is a whole lot harder to tell, it’s a feeling, it’s increased civic pride, it’s laughter, it’s a gathering.
When I go home to the country there are two news bulletins – the national news which is shocking with the odd sweet story and the local news which tells the story of people, accomplishment with the odd scary story.
I know which news I would prefer to watch, but how do we get more positive stories into the news?
Here’s a hint, start telling the positive news yourself!
Make a personal deal that for every sad, depressing or infuriating story you tell you will also tell two positive ones. Use one to one conversation, the written word, the visual image, every tool in your toolbox to tell the positive story and maybe the local news will become the standard format.