Get It Done.

Lisa Smith

When it comes to implementation, many organisations flounder because:

  1. It takes too long
  2. It costs too much
  3. There are too many surprises
  4. It often isn’t what we wanted in the first place.

All this sets the narrative “we are poor at implementation” when in fact we should be saying, “we are unprepared for implementation”.

We either rush to action (resulting in rework) or spin our wheels (resulting in no work) – neither is satisfactory. Maybe it’s time to think differently about Getting It Done.

In order to successfully get it done, we must start with the end in mind and ask; What would good look like? How will our organisation be different as a result of this work, and how will we measure that success, both during the implementation and at the end?

If we understand what the end result should be, then we can test out progress on an ongoing basis, identify and remove the distractions and keep our focus on GETTING IT DONE!


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