2014 Boom or Bust
Are you starting this year with an audacious goal which on December 31st 2013 seemed like an amazing idea but which on December 31st 2014 will be yet another dream you have failed to achieve?
If so perhaps your audacious goal is so big that no matter how you look at it you don’t know where to start or perhaps your goal is so amazing that you know only total completion of the dream is an acceptable outcome.
Either way, you won’t make the big dream happen and another year will pass with you eventually refusing to have a big dream to start the year.
The size of your goal should be the reason you get started now, not the reason that you either don’t start or can never finish.
If you want to work out where to start on your big dream why not try breaking it down, what are the components you need to achieve which are dependent on each other and identifying the logical starting point. You don’t need the whole picture in fine detail just a rough draft and the actual detail for the piece you are currently working on (and maybe the next).
Rather than focusing on how amazing the end game would be, why not break down what good would look like? Think about grading your achievements the way that you were graded at school. What would an A look like, what would a B look like, a C, a D and an E and how would you bridge the gaps between the grades?
If you have a starting point and a graded view of your accomplishments it is easier to ramp up the outcomes of your dream rather than saying I didn’t get there, my dream is a bust and it was all a waste of time.
In 2014 why not make something good happen even if you don’t quite get to great?